Somos o que bebemos

We are what we drink


Water is essential to our body and the 50 billion cells that compose it. It is the main element in our body, comprising between 60% and 70% of our weight, and this is not by chance. Along with oxygen, it plays a fundamental role in our life and our vital processes. In addition to contributing to the formation of different fluids (sweat, saliva, blood, lymph, etc.), it has a key function in the circulation and regulation of different body mechanisms:

Your body temperature remains at around 37 °C, even if it is -40 °C or +30 °C outside. It is also responsible for sweating and retention, and acts as a thermoregulator.

Water participates in the balance (homeostasis) of the exchanges of nutrients and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, etc.), both intracellular and extracellular. It also intervenes in the heart rate, regulating it in stressful situations.

It helps to eliminate waste and toxins arising from physical exertion (lactic acid), excess food (toxins), fever, tension, stress … filtered by the kidneys and evacuated through feces, urine and sweat.


To maintain a good water balance, you need to offset the loss in the volume of water, which is around 2 litres.


Drinking water, unsweetened beverages such as tea, food with a high water content such as soup, fruit, vegetables). This balance requires adjustments in the form of a greater supply of water depending on different external or internal parameters: temperature, presence of water in the environment, altitude, physical activity, metabolism, hormonal system, etc.


Drink before you are thirsty. Thirst is an alarm signal sent by the body at the onset of dehydration and the best way to prevent it is to drink frequently throughout the day. A loss of water in excess of 2% of dehydration has major physical and intellectual consequences. Moreover, the severity thereof increases considerably as dehydration increases.

Another fact you need to bear in mind is that salt, often consumed in excess, retains water in the body, while potassium, present in fruit and vegetables, facilitates the elimination thereof and plays an important role in muscular and renal activity and in the metabolism of sugars. Furthermore, a balance between these two minerals is essential for perfect hydration in this case.
